Source code for beautifultable.beautifultable

"""This module provides BeautifulTable class

It is intended for printing Tabular data to terminals.

>>> from beautifultable import BeautifulTable
>>> table = BeautifulTable()
>>> table.columns.header = ['1st column', '2nd column']
>>> for i in range(5):
...    table.rows.apppend([i, i*i])
>>> print(table)
| 1st column | 2nd column |
|     0      |     0      |
|     1      |     1      |
|     2      |     4      |
|     3      |     9      |
|     4      |     16     |
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import copy
import csv
import warnings

from . import enums

from .utils import (
from .compat import basestring, Iterable, to_unicode
from .base import BTBaseList
from .helpers import (

__all__ = [

[docs]class BTBorder: """Class to control how each section of the table's border is rendered. To disable a behaviour, just set its corresponding attribute to an empty string Attributes ---------- top : str Character used to draw the top border. left : str Character used to draw the left border. bottom : str Character used to draw the bottom border. right : str Character used to draw the right border. top_left : str Left most character of the top border. bottom_left : str Left most character of the bottom border. bottom_right : str Right most character of the bottom border. top_right : str Right most character of the top border. header_left : str Left most character of the header separator. header_right : str Right most character of the header separator. top_junction : str Junction character for top border. left_junction : str Junction character for left border. bottom_junction : str Junction character for bottom border. right_junction : str Junction character for right border. """ def __init__( self, top, left, bottom, right, top_left, bottom_left, bottom_right, top_right, header_left, header_right, top_junction, left_junction, bottom_junction, right_junction, ): = top self.left = left self.bottom = bottom self.right = right self.top_left = top_left self.bottom_left = bottom_left self.bottom_right = bottom_right self.top_right = top_right self.header_left = header_left self.header_right = header_right self.top_junction = top_junction self.left_junction = left_junction self.bottom_junction = bottom_junction self.right_junction = right_junction
def _make_getter(attr): return lambda self: getattr(self, attr) def _make_setter(attr): return lambda self, value: setattr(self, attr, ensure_type(value, basestring)) for prop, attr in [ (x, "_{}".format(x)) for x in ( "top", "left", "bottom", "right", "top_left", "bottom_left", "bottom_right", "top_right", "header_left", "header_right", "top_junction", "left_junction", "bottom_junction", "right_junction", ) ]: setattr(BTBorder, prop, property(_make_getter(attr), _make_setter(attr))) class BTTableData(BTBaseList): def __init__(self, table, value=None): if value is None: value = [] self._table = table self._value = value def _get_canonical_key(self, key): return self._table.rows._canonical_key(key) def _get_ideal_length(self): pass
[docs]class BeautifulTable: """Utility Class to print data in tabular format to terminal. Parameters ---------- maxwidth: int, optional maximum width of the table in number of characters. this is ignored when manually setting the width of the columns. if this value is too low with respect to the number of columns and width of padding, the resulting table may override it(default 80). default_alignment : int, optional Default alignment for new columns(default beautifultable.ALIGN_CENTER). default_padding : int, optional Default width of the left and right padding for new columns(default 1). precision : int, optional All float values will have maximum number of digits after the decimal, capped by this value(Default 3). serialno : bool, optional If true, a column will be rendered with serial numbers(**DEPRECATED**). serialno_header: str, optional The header of the serial number column if rendered(**DEPRECATED**). detect_numerics : bool, optional Whether numeric strings should be automatically detected(Default True). sign : SignMode, optional Parameter to control how signs in numeric data are displayed. (default beautifultable.SM_MINUS). Attributes ---------- precision : int All float values will have maximum number of digits after the decimal, capped by this value(Default 3). detect_numerics : bool Whether numeric strings should be automatically detected(Default True). """ @deprecated_param("1.0.0", "1.2.0", "sign_mode", "sign") @deprecated_param("1.0.0", "1.2.0", "numeric_precision", "precision") @deprecated_param("1.0.0", "1.2.0", "max_width", "maxwidth") @deprecated_param("1.0.0", "1.2.0", "serialno") @deprecated_param("1.0.0", "1.2.0", "serialno_header") def __init__( self, maxwidth=80, default_alignment=enums.ALIGN_CENTER, default_padding=1, precision=3, serialno=False, serialno_header="SN", detect_numerics=True, sign=enums.SM_MINUS, **kwargs, ): kwargs.setdefault("max_width", None) if kwargs["max_width"] is not None: maxwidth = kwargs["max_width"] kwargs.setdefault("numeric_precision", None) if kwargs["numeric_precision"] is not None: precision = kwargs["numeric_precision"] kwargs.setdefault("sign_mode", None) if kwargs["sign_mode"] is not None: sign = kwargs["sign_mode"] self.precision = precision self._serialno = serialno self._serialno_header = serialno_header self.detect_numerics = detect_numerics self._sign = sign self.maxwidth = maxwidth self._ncol = 0 self._data = BTTableData(self) self.rows = BTRowCollection(self) self.columns = BTColumnCollection(self, default_alignment, default_padding) self._header_separator = "" self._header_junction = "" self._column_separator = "" self._row_separator = "" self.border = "" self.set_style(enums.STYLE_DEFAULT) def __copy__(self): obj = type(self)() obj.__dict__.update({k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()}) obj.rows._table = obj obj.rows.header._table = obj obj.columns._table = obj obj.columns.header._table = obj obj.columns.alignment._table = obj obj.columns.width._table = obj obj.columns.padding_left._table = obj obj.columns.padding_right._table = obj obj._data._table = obj for row in obj._data: row._table = obj return obj def __deepcopy__(self, memo): obj = type(self)() obj.__dict__.update( {k: copy.deepcopy(v, memo) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()} ) obj.rows._table = obj obj.rows.header._table = obj obj.columns._table = obj obj.columns.header._table = obj obj.columns.alignment._table = obj obj.columns.width._table = obj obj.columns.padding_left._table = obj obj.columns.padding_right._table = obj obj._data._table = obj for row in obj._data: row._table = obj return obj def __setattr__(self, name, value): attrs = ( "left_border_char", "right_border_char", "top_border_char", "bottom_border_char", "header_separator_char", "column_separator_char", "row_separator_char", "intersect_top_left", "intersect_top_mid", "intersect_top_right", "intersect_header_left", "intersect_header_mid", "intersect_header_right", "intersect_row_left", "intersect_row_mid", "intersect_row_right", "intersect_bottom_left", "intersect_bottom_mid", "intersect_bottom_right", ) if to_unicode(name) in attrs: warnings.warn( deprecation_message(name, "1.0.0", "1.2.0", None), FutureWarning, ) value = ensure_type(value, basestring, name) super(BeautifulTable, self).__setattr__(name, value) @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.__len__, details="Use len(BeautifulTable.rows)' instead.", ) def __len__(self): # pragma: no cover return len(self.rows) @deprecated( "1.0.0" "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.__iter__, details="Use iter(BeautifulTable.rows)' instead.", ) def __iter__(self): # pragma: no cover return iter(self.rows) @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.__contains__, details="Use ''value' in BeautifulTable.{columns|rows}' instead.", ) def __contains__(self, key): # pragma: no cover if isinstance(key, basestring): return key in self.columns elif isinstance(key, Iterable): return key in self.rows else: raise TypeError(f"'key' must be str or Iterable, not {type(key).__name__}") def __repr__(self): return repr(self._data) def __str__(self): if len(self.rows) == 0 or len(self.columns) == 0: return "" string_ = [] for line in self._get_string([], append=False): string_.append(line) return "\n".join(string_) # ************************Properties Begin Here************************ @property def shape(self): """Read only attribute which returns the shape of the table.""" return (len(self.rows), len(self.columns)) @property def sign(self): """Attribute to control how signs are displayed for numerical data. It can be one of the following: ======================== ============================================= Option Meaning ======================== ============================================= beautifultable.SM_PLUS A sign should be used for both +ve and -ve numbers. beautifultable.SM_MINUS A sign should only be used for -ve numbers. beautifultable.SM_SPACE A leading space should be used for +ve numbers and a minus sign for -ve numbers. ======================== ============================================= """ return self._sign @sign.setter def sign(self, value): if not isinstance(value, enums.SignMode): allowed = (f"{type(self).__name__}.{}" for i in enums.SignMode) error_msg = "allowed values for sign are: " + ", ".join(allowed) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._sign = value @property def border(self): """Characters used to draw the border of the table. You can set this directly to a character or use it's several attribute to control how each section of the table is rendered. It is an instance of :class:`~.BTBorder` """ return self._border @border.setter def border(self, value): self._border = BTBorder( top=value, left=value, bottom=value, right=value, top_left=value, bottom_left=value, bottom_right=value, top_right=value, header_left=value, header_right=value, top_junction=value, left_junction=value, bottom_junction=value, right_junction=value, ) @property def junction(self): """Character used to draw junctions in the row separator.""" return self._junction @junction.setter def junction(self, value): self._junction = ensure_type(value, basestring) @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.header.fget) def serialno(self): # pragma: no cover return self._serialno @serialno.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.header.fget) def serialno(self, value): # pragma: no cover self._serialno = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0") def serialno_header(self): # pragma: no cover return self._serialno_header @serialno_header.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0") def serialno_header(self, value): # pragma: no cover self._serialno_header = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", sign.fget) def sign_mode(self): # pragma: no cover return self.sign @sign_mode.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", sign.fget) def sign_mode(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.sign = value @property def maxwidth(self): """get/set the maximum width of the table. The width of the table is guaranteed to not exceed this value. If it is not possible to print a given table with the width provided, this value will automatically adjust. """ offset = (len(self.columns) - 1) * termwidth(self.columns.separator) offset += termwidth(self.border.left) offset += termwidth(self.border.right) self._maxwidth = max(self._maxwidth, offset + len(self.columns)) return self._maxwidth @maxwidth.setter def maxwidth(self, value): self._maxwidth = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", maxwidth.fget) def max_table_width(self): # pragma: no cover return self.maxwidth @max_table_width.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", maxwidth.fget) def max_table_width(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.maxwidth = value @property @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.__len__, details="Use 'len(self.columns)' instead.", ) def column_count(self): # pragma: no cover return len(self.columns) @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.width_exceed_policy.fget) def width_exceed_policy(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.width_exceed_policy @width_exceed_policy.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.width_exceed_policy.fget) def width_exceed_policy(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.width_exceed_policy = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.default_alignment.fget) def default_alignment(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.default_alignment @default_alignment.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.default_alignment.fget) def default_alignment(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.default_alignment = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.default_padding.fget) def default_padding(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.default_padding @default_padding.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.default_padding.fget) def default_padding(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.default_padding = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.width.fget) def column_widths(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.width @column_widths.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.width.fget) def column_widths(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.width = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.header.fget) def column_headers(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.header @column_headers.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.header.fget) def column_headers(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.header = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.alignment.fget) def column_alignments(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.alignment @column_alignments.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.alignment.fget) def column_alignments(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.alignment = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.padding_left.fget) def left_padding_widths(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.padding_left @left_padding_widths.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.padding_left.fget) def left_padding_widths(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.padding_left = value @property @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.padding_right.fget) def right_padding_widths(self): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.padding_right @right_padding_widths.setter @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.padding_right.fget) def right_padding_widths(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.columns.padding_right = value @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.__getitem__, details="Use 'BeautifulTable.{columns|rows}[key]' instead.", ) def __getitem__(self, key): # pragma: no cover return self.columns[key] if isinstance(key, basestring) else self.rows[key] @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.__setitem__, details="Use 'BeautifulTable.{columns|rows}[key]' instead.", ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # pragma: no cover if isinstance(key, basestring): self.columns[key] = value else: self.rows[key] = value @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.__delitem__, details="Use 'BeautifulTable.{columns|rows}[key]' instead.", ) def __delitem__(self, key): # pragma: no cover if isinstance(key, basestring): del self.columns[key] else: del self.rows[key] # *************************Properties End Here************************* @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.__getitem__, details="Use 'BeautifulTable.columns[key]' instead.", ) def get_column(self, key): # pragma: no cover return self.columns[key] @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnHeader.__getitem__, details="Use 'BeautifulTable.columns.header[key]' instead.", ) def get_column_header(self, index): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.header[index] @deprecated( "1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnHeader.__getitem__, details="Use 'BeautifulTable.columns.header.index(header)' instead.", ) def get_column_index(self, header): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.header.index(header) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.filter) def filter(self, key): # pragma: no cover return self.rows.filter(key) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.sort) def sort(self, key, reverse=False): # pragma: no cover self.rows.sort(key, reverse=reverse) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.reverse) def reverse(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.rows.reverse() @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.pop) def pop_row(self, index=-1): # pragma: no cover return self.rows.pop(index) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.insert) def insert_row(self, index, row): # pragma: no cover return self.rows.insert(index, row) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.append) def append_row(self, value): # pragma: no cover self.rows.append(value) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTRowCollection.update) def update_row(self, key, value): # pragma: no cover self.rows.update(key, value) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.pop) def pop_column(self, index=-1): # pragma: no cover return self.columns.pop(index) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.insert) def insert_column(self, index, header, column): # pragma: no cover self.columns.insert(index, column, header) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.append) def append_column(self, header, column): # pragma: no cover self.columns.append(column, header) @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.update) def update_column(self, header, column): # pragma: no cover self.columns.update(header, column)
[docs] def set_style(self, style): """Set the style of the table from a predefined set of styles. Parameters ---------- style: Style It can be one of the following: * beautifultable.STYLE_DEFAULT * beautifultable.STYLE_NONE * beautifultable.STYLE_DOTTED * beautifultable.STYLE_MYSQL * beautifultable.STYLE_SEPARATED * beautifultable.STYLE_COMPACT * beautifultable.STYLE_MARKDOWN * beautifultable.STYLE_RESTRUCTURED_TEXT * beautifultable.STYLE_BOX * beautifultable.STYLE_BOX_DOUBLED * beautifultable.STYLE_BOX_ROUNDED * beautifultable.STYLE_GRID """ if not isinstance(style, enums.Style): allowed = (f"{type(self).__name__}.{}" for i in enums.Style) error_msg = "allowed values for style are: " + ", ".join(allowed) raise ValueError(error_msg) style_template = style.value self.border.left = style_template.left_border_char self.border.right = style_template.right_border_char = style_template.top_border_char self.border.bottom = style_template.bottom_border_char self.border.top_left = style_template.intersect_top_left self.border.bottom_left = style_template.intersect_bottom_left self.border.bottom_right = style_template.intersect_bottom_right self.border.top_right = style_template.intersect_top_right self.border.header_left = style_template.intersect_header_left self.border.header_right = style_template.intersect_header_right self.columns.header.separator = style_template.header_separator_char self.columns.separator = style_template.column_separator_char self.rows.separator = style_template.row_separator_char self.border.top_junction = style_template.intersect_top_mid self.border.left_junction = style_template.intersect_row_left self.border.bottom_junction = style_template.intersect_bottom_mid self.border.right_junction = style_template.intersect_row_right self.columns.header.junction = style_template.intersect_header_mid self.junction = style_template.intersect_row_mid
def _compute_width(self): """Calculate width of column automatically based on data.""" table_width = self._width lpw, rpw = self.columns.padding_left, self.columns.padding_right pad_widths = [(lpw[i] + rpw[i]) for i in range(len(self.columns))] maxwidths = [0 for index in range(len(self.columns))] offset = table_width - sum(self.columns.width) + sum(pad_widths) self._maxwidth = max(self._maxwidth, offset + len(self.columns)) for index, header in enumerate(self.columns.header): max_length = 0 for i in pre_process( header, self.detect_numerics, self.precision, self.sign.value ).split("\n"): output_str = pre_process( i, self.detect_numerics, self.precision, self.sign.value, ) max_length = max(max_length, termwidth(output_str)) maxwidths[index] += max_length for index, column in enumerate(zip(*self._data)): max_length = maxwidths[index] for i in column: for j in pre_process( i, self.detect_numerics, self.precision, self.sign.value ).split("\n"): output_str = pre_process( j, self.detect_numerics, self.precision, self.sign.value, ) max_length = max(max_length, termwidth(output_str)) maxwidths[index] = max_length sum_ = sum(maxwidths) desired_sum = self._maxwidth - offset # Set flag for columns who are within their fair share temp_sum = 0 flag = [0] * len(maxwidths) for i, width in enumerate(maxwidths): if width <= int(desired_sum / len(self.columns)): temp_sum += width flag[i] = 1 else: # Allocate atleast 1 character width to the column temp_sum += 1 avail_space = desired_sum - temp_sum actual_space = sum_ - temp_sum shrinked_columns = {} # Columns which exceed their fair share should be shrinked based on # how much space is left for the table for i, width in enumerate(maxwidths): self.columns.width[i] = width if not flag[i]: new_width = 1 + int((width - 1) * avail_space / actual_space) if new_width < width: self.columns.width[i] = new_width shrinked_columns[new_width] = i # Divide any remaining space among shrinked columns if shrinked_columns: extra = self._maxwidth - offset - sum(self.columns.width) actual_space = sum(shrinked_columns) if extra > 0: for i, width in enumerate(sorted(shrinked_columns)): index = shrinked_columns[width] extra_width = int(width * extra / actual_space) self.columns.width[i] += extra_width if i == (len(shrinked_columns) - 1): extra = self._maxwidth - offset - sum(self.columns.width) self.columns.width[index] += extra for i in range(len(self.columns)): self.columns.width[i] += pad_widths[i] @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", BTColumnCollection.padding.fget) def set_padding_widths(self, pad_width): # pragma: no cover self.columns.padding_left = pad_width self.columns.padding_right = pad_width @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0") def copy(self): return copy.copy(self)
[docs] @deprecated_param("1.0.0", "1.2.0", "clear_metadata", "reset_columns") def clear(self, reset_columns=False, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Clear the contents of the table. Clear all rows of the table, and if specified clears all column specific data. Parameters ---------- reset_columns : bool, optional If it is true(default False), all metadata of columns such as their alignment, padding, width, etc. are also cleared and number of columns is set to 0. """ kwargs.setdefault("clear_metadata", None) if kwargs["clear_metadata"]: reset_columns = kwargs["clear_metadata"] self.rows.clear() if reset_columns: self.columns.clear()
def _get_horizontal_line( self, char, intersect_left, intersect_mid, intersect_right, mask=None ): """Get a horizontal line for the table. Internal method used to draw all horizontal lines in the table. Column width should be set prior to calling this method. This method detects intersection and handles it according to the values of `intersect_*_*` attributes. Parameters ---------- char : str Character used to draw the line. Returns ------- str String which will be printed as a line in the table. """ width = self._width if mask is None: mask = [True] * len(self.columns) try: line = list(char * (int(width / termwidth(char)) + 1))[:width] except ZeroDivisionError: line = [" "] * width if len(line) == 0: return "" # Only if Special Intersection is enabled and horizontal line is # visible if not char.isspace(): # If left border is enabled and it is visible visible_junc = not intersect_left.isspace() if termwidth(self.border.left) > 0: if not (self.border.left.isspace() and visible_junc): length = min( termwidth(self.border.left), termwidth(intersect_left), ) for i in range(length): line[i] = intersect_left[i] if mask[0] else " " visible_junc = not intersect_right.isspace() # If right border is enabled and it is visible if termwidth(self.border.right) > 0: if not (self.border.right.isspace() and visible_junc): length = min( termwidth(self.border.right), termwidth(intersect_right), ) for i in range(length): line[-i - 1] = intersect_right[-i - 1] if mask[-1] else " " visible_junc = not intersect_mid.isspace() # If column separator is enabled and it is visible if termwidth(self.columns.separator): if not (self.columns.separator.isspace() and visible_junc): index = termwidth(self.border.left) for i in range(len(self.columns) - 1): if not mask[i]: for j in range(self.columns.width[i]): line[index + j] = " " index += self.columns.width[i] length = min( termwidth(self.columns.separator), termwidth(intersect_mid), ) for j in range(length): # TODO: we should also hide junctions based on mask line[index + j] = ( intersect_mid[j] if (mask[i] or mask[i + 1]) else " " ) index += termwidth(self.columns.separator) return "".join(line) def _get_top_border(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_horizontal_line(, self.border.top_left, self.border.top_junction, self.border.top_right, *args, **kwargs, ) def _get_header_separator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_horizontal_line( self.columns.header.separator, self.border.header_left, self.columns.header.junction, self.border.header_right, *args, **kwargs, ) def _get_row_separator(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_horizontal_line( self.rows.separator, self.border.left_junction, self.junction, self.border.right_junction, *args, **kwargs, ) def _get_bottom_border(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_horizontal_line( self.border.bottom, self.border.bottom_left, self.border.bottom_junction, self.border.bottom_right, *args, **kwargs, ) @property def _width(self): """Get the actual width of the table as number of characters. Column width should be set prior to calling this method. Returns ------- int Width of the table as number of characters. """ if len(self.columns) == 0: return 0 width = sum(self.columns.width) width += (len(self.columns) - 1) * termwidth(self.columns.separator) width += termwidth(self.border.left) width += termwidth(self.border.right) return width @deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", _width.fget) def get_table_width(self): # pragma: no cover return self._width def _get_string(self, rows=None, append=False, recalculate_width=True): row_header_visible = bool( "".join(x if x is not None else "" for x in self.rows.header).strip() ) and (len(self.columns) > 0) column_header_visible = bool( "".join(x if x is not None else "" for x in self.columns.header).strip() ) and (len(self.rows) > 0 or rows is not None) # Preparing table for printing serialno, row headers and column headers if len(self.columns) > 0: if self._serialno: self.columns.insert( 0, range(1, len(self.rows) + 1), self._serialno_header ) if row_header_visible: self.columns.insert(0, self.rows.header) if column_header_visible: self.rows.insert(0, self.columns.header) if (self.columns._auto_width and recalculate_width) or sum( self.columns.width ) == 0: self._compute_width() try: # Rendering the top border if yield self._get_top_border() # Print column headers if not empty or only spaces row_iterator = iter(self.rows) if column_header_visible: yield next(row_iterator)._get_string( align=self.columns.header.alignment ) if self.columns.header.separator: yield self._get_header_separator() # Printing rows first_row_encountered = False for i, row in enumerate(row_iterator): if first_row_encountered and self.rows.separator: yield self._get_row_separator() first_row_encountered = True content = to_unicode(row) yield content if rows is not None: # Printing additional rows prev_length = len(self.rows) for i, row in enumerate(rows, start=1): if first_row_encountered and self.rows.separator: yield self._get_row_separator() first_row_encountered = True if self._serialno: row.insert(0, prev_length + i) if row_header_visible: self.rows.append([None] + list(row)) else: self.rows.append(row) content = to_unicode(self.rows[-1]) if not append: self.rows.pop() yield content # Rendering the bottom border if self.border.bottom: yield self._get_bottom_border() except Exception: raise finally: # Cleanup if column_header_visible: self.rows.pop(0) if row_header_visible: self.columns.pop(0) if len(self.columns) > 0: if self._serialno: self.columns.pop(0) return
[docs] def stream(self, rows, append=False): """Get a generator for the table. This should be used in cases where data takes time to retrieve and it is required to be displayed as soon as possible. Any existing rows in the table shall also be returned. It is essential that atleast one of column header, width or existing rows set before calling this method. Parameters ---------- rows : iterable A generator which yields one row at a time. append : bool, optional If rows should also be appended to the table.(Default False) Returns ------- iterable: string representation of the table as a generators """ for line in self._get_string(rows, append=append, recalculate_width=False): yield line
@deprecated("1.0.0", "1.2.0", str) def get_string(self): return str(self)
[docs] def to_csv(self, file_name, *args, **kwargs): """Export table to CSV format. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path to CSV file. """ if not isinstance(file_name, str): raise ValueError( f"Expected 'file_name' to be string, got {type(file_name).__name__}" ) with open(file_name, mode="wt", newline="") as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, *args, **kwargs) if bool( "".join(x if x is not None else "" for x in self.columns.header).strip() ): csv_writer.writerow(self.columns.header) csv_writer.writerows(self.rows)
[docs] def from_csv(self, file_name, header=True, **kwargs): """Create table from CSV file. Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path to CSV file. header : bool, optional Whether First row in CSV file should be parsed as table header. Raises ------ ValueError If `file_name` is not str type. FileNotFoundError If `file_name` is not valid path to file. """ if not isinstance(file_name, str): raise ValueError( f"Expected 'file_name' to be string, got {type(file_name).__name__}" ) with open(file_name, mode="rt", newline="") as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, **kwargs) if header: self.columns.header = next(csv_reader) for row in csv_reader: self.rows.append(row) return self
[docs] def to_df(self): """Export table to dataframe. This method requires that you have `pandas` already installed in your machine. Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe: The exported dataframe """ try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: warnings.warn( "This method requires that 'pandas' is installed.", RuntimeWarning ) raise # If there are column headers then it will act as a column of dataframe headers = list(self.columns.header) if headers.count(None) == len(headers): headers = None # If there are row headers then it will act as an Index index = list(self.rows.header) if index.count(None) == len(index): index = None return pd.DataFrame( [list(row) for row in self.rows], columns=headers, index=index )
[docs] def from_df(self, df): """Import table from dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.Dataframe input dataframe """ data = df.to_dict() # Dataframe columns will act as a column headers headers = list(data.keys()) # Index of dataframe will act as a row headers row_header = list(df.index) for header in headers: self.columns.append( [data[header][indx] for indx in row_header], header=str(header) ) self.rows.header = row_header return self