Source code for beautifultable.helpers

import copy
import weakref
import operator

from . import enums
from .base import BTBaseRow, BTBaseColumn
from .utils import pre_process, termwidth, textwrap, ensure_type
from .compat import basestring, Iterable, to_unicode, zip_longest
from .meta import AlignmentMetaData, NonNegativeIntegerMetaData

[docs]class BTRowHeader(BTBaseColumn): def __init__(self, table, value): for i in value: self._validate_item(i) super(BTRowHeader, self).__init__(table, value) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._validate_item(value) super(BTRowHeader, self).__setitem__(key, value) def _validate_item(self, value): if not (isinstance(value, basestring) or value is None): raise TypeError( ("header must be of type 'str', " "got {}").format( type(value).__name__ ) )
[docs]class BTColumnHeader(BTBaseRow): def __init__(self, table, value): for i in value: self._validate_item(i) super(BTColumnHeader, self).__init__(table, value) self.alignment = None @property def alignment(self): """get/set alignment of the column header of the table. It can be any iterable containing only the following: * beautifultable.ALIGN_LEFT * beautifultable.ALIGN_CENTER * beautifultable.ALIGN_RIGHT """ return self._alignment @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): if value is None: self._alignment = None return if isinstance(value, enums.Alignment): value = [value] * len(self) self._alignment = AlignmentMetaData(self._table, value) @property def separator(self): """Character used to draw the line seperating header from the table.""" return self._table._header_separator @separator.setter def separator(self, value): self._table._header_separator = ensure_type(value, basestring) @property def junction(self): """Character used to draw junctions in the header separator.""" return self._table._header_junction @junction.setter def junction(self, value): self._table._header_junction = ensure_type(value, basestring) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._validate_item(value) super(BTColumnHeader, self).__setitem__(key, value) def _validate_item(self, value): if not (isinstance(value, basestring) or value is None): raise TypeError( ("header must be of type 'str', " "got {}").format( type(value).__name__ ) )
class BTRowData(BTBaseRow): def _get_padding(self): return ( self._table.columns.padding_left, self._table.columns.padding_right, ) def _clamp_row(self, row): """Process a row so that it is clamped by column_width. Parameters ---------- row : array_like A single row. Returns ------- list of list: List representation of the `row` after it has been processed according to width exceed policy. """ table = self._table lpw, rpw = self._get_padding() wep = table.columns.width_exceed_policy result = [] if ( wep is enums.WidthExceedPolicy.WEP_STRIP or wep is enums.WidthExceedPolicy.WEP_ELLIPSIS ): # Let's strip the row delimiter = ( "" if wep is enums.WidthExceedPolicy.WEP_STRIP else "..." ) row_item_list = [] for index, row_item in enumerate(row): left_pad = table.columns._pad_character * lpw[index] right_pad = table.columns._pad_character * rpw[index] clmp_str = ( left_pad + self._clamp_string(row_item, index, delimiter) + right_pad ) row_item_list.append(clmp_str) result.append(row_item_list) elif wep is enums.WidthExceedPolicy.WEP_WRAP: # Let's wrap the row string_partition = [] for index, row_item in enumerate(row): width = table.columns.width[index] - lpw[index] - rpw[index] string_partition.append(textwrap(row_item, width)) for row_items in zip_longest(*string_partition, fillvalue=""): row_item_list = [] for index, row_item in enumerate(row_items): left_pad = table.columns._pad_character * lpw[index] right_pad = table.columns._pad_character * rpw[index] row_item_list.append(left_pad + row_item + right_pad) result.append(row_item_list) return [[""] * len(table.columns)] if len(result) == 0 else result def _clamp_string(self, row_item, index, delimiter=""): """Clamp `row_item` to fit in column referred by index. This method considers padding and appends the delimiter if `row_item` needs to be truncated. Parameters ---------- row_item: str String which should be clamped. index: int Index of the column `row_item` belongs to. delimiter: str String which is to be appended to the clamped string. Returns ------- str The modified string which fits in it's column. """ lpw, rpw = self._get_padding() width = self._table.columns.width[index] - lpw[index] - rpw[index] if termwidth(row_item) <= width: return row_item else: if width - len(delimiter) >= 0: clamped_string = ( textwrap(row_item, width - len(delimiter))[0] + delimiter ) else: clamped_string = delimiter[:width] return clamped_string def _get_string( self, align=None, mask=None, draw_left_border=True, draw_right_border=True, ): """Return a string representation of a row.""" rows = [] table = self._table width = table.columns.width sign = table.sign if align is None: align = table.columns.alignment if mask is None: mask = [True] * len(table.columns) lpw, rpw = self._get_padding() string = [] for i, item in enumerate(self._value): if isinstance(item, type(table)): # temporarily change the max width of the table curr_maxwidth = item.maxwidth item.maxwidth = width[i] - lpw[i] - rpw[i] rows.append( pre_process( item, table.detect_numerics, table.precision, sign.value, ).split("\n") ) item.maxwidth = curr_maxwidth else: rows.append( pre_process( item, table.detect_numerics, table.precision, sign.value, ).split("\n") ) for row in map(list, zip_longest(*rows, fillvalue="")): for i in range(len(row)): row[i] = pre_process( row[i], table.detect_numerics, table.precision, sign.value, ) for row_ in self._clamp_row(row): for i in range(len(table.columns)): # str.format method doesn't work for multibyte strings # hence, we need to manually align the texts instead # of using the align property of the str.format method pad_len = width[i] - termwidth(row_[i]) if align[i].value == "<": right_pad = " " * pad_len row_[i] = to_unicode(row_[i]) + right_pad elif align[i].value == ">": left_pad = " " * pad_len row_[i] = left_pad + to_unicode(row_[i]) else: left_pad = " " * (pad_len // 2) right_pad = " " * (pad_len - pad_len // 2) row_[i] = left_pad + to_unicode(row_[i]) + right_pad content = [] for j, item in enumerate(row_): if j > 0: content.append( table.columns.separator if (mask[j - 1] or mask[j]) else " " * termwidth(table.columns.separator) ) content.append(item) content = "".join(content) content = ( table.border.left if mask[0] else " " * termwidth(table.border.left) ) + content content += ( table.border.right if mask[-1] else " " * termwidth(table.border.right) ) string.append(content) return "\n".join(string) def __str__(self): return self._get_string() class BTColumnData(BTBaseColumn): pass
[docs]class BTRowCollection(object): def __init__(self, table): self._table = table self._reset_state(0) @property def _table(self): return self._table_ref() @_table.setter def _table(self, value): self._table_ref = weakref.ref(value) def _reset_state(self, nrow): self._table._data = type(self._table._data)( self._table, [ BTRowData(self._table, [None] * self._table._ncol) for i in range(nrow) ], ) self.header = BTRowHeader(self._table, [None] * nrow) @property def header(self): return self._header @header.setter def header(self, value): self._header = BTRowHeader(self._table, value) @property def separator(self): """Character used to draw the line seperating two rows.""" return self._table._row_separator @separator.setter def separator(self, value): self._table._row_separator = ensure_type(value, basestring) def _canonical_key(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return key elif isinstance(key, basestring): return self.header.index(key) raise TypeError( ("row indices must be int, str or slices, not {}").format( type(key).__name__ ) ) def __len__(self): return len(self._table._data) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get a particular row, or a new table by slicing. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, str If key is an `int`, returns a row at index `key`. If key is an `str`, returns the first row with heading `key`. If key is a slice object, returns a new sliced table. Raises ------ TypeError If key is not of type int, slice or str. IndexError If `int` index is out of range. KeyError If `str` key is not found in header. """ if isinstance(key, slice): new_table = copy.deepcopy(self._table) new_table.rows.clear() new_table.rows.header = self._table.rows.header[key] for i, r in enumerate(self._table._data[key]): new_table.rows[i] = r.value return new_table if isinstance(key, (int, basestring)): return self._table._data[key] raise TypeError( ("row indices must be int, str or a slice object, not {}").format( type(key).__name__ ) ) def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete a row, or multiple rows by slicing. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, str If key is an `int`, deletes a row at index `key`. If key is an `str`, deletes the first row with heading `key`. If key is a slice object, deletes multiple rows. Raises ------ TypeError If key is not of type int, slice or str. IndexError If `int` key is out of range. KeyError If `str` key is not in header. """ if isinstance(key, (int, basestring, slice)): del self._table._data[key] del self.header[key] else: raise TypeError( ( "row indices must be int, str or " "a slice object, not {}" ).format(type(key).__name__) ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Update a row, or multiple rows by slicing. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, str If key is an `int`, updates a row. If key is an `str`, updates the first row with heading `key`. If key is a slice object, updates multiple rows. Raises ------ TypeError If key is not of type int, slice or str. IndexError If `int` key is out of range. KeyError If `str` key is not in header. """ if isinstance(key, (int, basestring)): self._table._data[key] = BTRowData(self._table, value) elif isinstance(key, slice): value = [list(row) for row in value] if len(self._table.columns) == 0: self._table.columns._initialize(len(value[0])) self._table._data[key] = [ BTRowData(self._table, row) for row in value ] else: raise TypeError("key must be int, str or a slice object") def __contains__(self, key): if isinstance(key, basestring): return key in self.header elif isinstance(key, Iterable): return key in self._table._data else: raise TypeError( ("'key' must be str or Iterable, " "not {}").format( type(key).__name__ ) ) def __iter__(self): return BTCollectionIterator(self) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._table._data) def __str__(self): return str(self._table._data)
[docs] def reverse(self): """Reverse the table row-wise *IN PLACE*.""" self._table._data._reverse()
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1): """Remove and return row at index (default last). Parameters ---------- index : int, str index or heading of the row. Normal list rules apply. """ if not isinstance(index, (int, basestring)): raise TypeError( ("row index must be int or str, " "not {}").format( type(index).__name__ ) ) if len(self._table._data) == 0: raise IndexError("pop from empty table") else: res = self._table._data._pop(index) self.header._pop(index) return res
[docs] def insert(self, index, row, header=None): """Insert a row before index in the table. Parameters ---------- index : int List index rules apply row : iterable Any iterable of appropriate length. header : str, optional Heading of the row Raises ------ TypeError: If `row` is not an iterable. ValueError: If size of `row` is inconsistent with the current number of columns. """ if self._table._ncol == 0: row = list(row) self._table.columns._reset_state(len(row)) self.header._insert(index, header) self._table._data._insert(index, BTRowData(self._table, row))
[docs] def append(self, row, header=None): """Append a row to end of the table. Parameters ---------- row : iterable Any iterable of appropriate length. header : str, optional Heading of the row """ self.insert(len(self), row, header)
[docs] def update(self, key, value): """Update row(s) identified with `key` in the table. `key` can be a index or a slice object. Parameters ---------- key : int or slice index of the row, or a slice object. value : iterable If an index is specified, `value` should be an iterable of appropriate length. Instead if a slice object is passed as key, value should be an iterable of rows. Raises ------ IndexError: If index specified is out of range. TypeError: If `value` is of incorrect type. ValueError: If length of row does not matches number of columns. """ self[key] = value
def clear(self): self._reset_state(0)
[docs] def sort(self, key, reverse=False): """Stable sort of the table *IN-PLACE* with respect to a column. Parameters ---------- key: int, str index or header of the column. Normal list rules apply. reverse : bool If `True` then table is sorted as if each comparison was reversed. """ if isinstance(key, (int, basestring)): key = operator.itemgetter(key) elif callable(key): pass else: raise TypeError( "'key' must either be 'int' or 'str' or a 'callable'" ) indices = sorted( range(len(self)), key=lambda x: key(self._table._data[x]), reverse=reverse, ) self._table._data._sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) self.header = [self.header[i] for i in indices]
[docs] def filter(self, key): """Return a copy of the table with only those rows which satisfy a certain condition. Returns ------- BeautifulTable: Filtered copy of the BeautifulTable instance. """ new_table = self._table.rows[:] new_table.rows.clear() for row in filter(key, self): new_table.rows.append(row) return new_table
class BTCollectionIterator(object): def __init__(self, collection): self._collection = collection self._index = -1 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): self._index += 1 if self._index == len(self._collection): raise StopIteration return self._collection[self._index]
[docs]class BTColumnCollection(object): def __init__(self, table, default_alignment, default_padding): self._table = table self._width_exceed_policy = enums.WEP_WRAP self._pad_character = " " self.default_alignment = default_alignment self.default_padding = default_padding self._reset_state(0) @property def _table(self): return self._table_ref() @_table.setter def _table(self, value): self._table_ref = weakref.ref(value) @property def padding(self): """Set width for left and rigth padding of the columns of the table.""" raise AttributeError( "cannot read attribute 'padding'. use 'padding_{left|right}'" ) @padding.setter def padding(self, value): self.padding_left = value self.padding_right = value def _reset_state(self, ncol): self._table._ncol = ncol self._header = BTColumnHeader(self._table, [None] * ncol) self._auto_width = True self._alignment = AlignmentMetaData( self._table, [self.default_alignment] * ncol ) self._width = NonNegativeIntegerMetaData(self._table, [0] * ncol) self._padding_left = NonNegativeIntegerMetaData( self._table, [self.default_padding] * ncol ) self._padding_right = NonNegativeIntegerMetaData( self._table, [self.default_padding] * ncol ) self._table._data = type(self._table._data)( self._table, [ BTRowData(self._table, [None] * ncol) for i in range(len(self._table._data)) ], ) def _canonical_key(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return key elif isinstance(key, basestring): return self.header.index(key) raise TypeError( ("column indices must be int, str or slices, not {}").format( type(key).__name__ ) ) @property def header(self): """get/set headings for the columns of the table. It can be any iterable with all members an instance of `str` or None. """ return self._header @header.setter def header(self, value): self._header = BTColumnHeader(self._table, value) @property def alignment(self): """get/set alignment of the columns of the table. It can be any iterable containing only the following: * beautifultable.ALIGN_LEFT * beautifultable.ALIGN_CENTER * beautifultable.ALIGN_RIGHT """ return self._alignment @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): if isinstance(value, enums.Alignment): value = [value] * len(self) self._alignment = AlignmentMetaData(self._table, value) @property def width(self): """get/set width for the columns of the table. Width of the column specifies the max number of characters a column can contain. Larger characters are handled according to `width_exceed_policy`. This can be one of `'auto'`, a non-negative integer or an iterable of the same length as the number of columns. If set to anything other than 'auto', the user is responsible for updating it if new columns are added or existing ones are updated. """ return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): if value == "auto": self._auto_width = True return raise ValueError("Invalid value '{}'".format(value)) if isinstance(value, int): value = [value] * len(self) self._width = NonNegativeIntegerMetaData(self._table, value) self._auto_width = False @property def padding_left(self): """get/set width for left padding of the columns of the table. Left Width of the padding specifies the number of characters on the left of a column reserved for padding. By Default It is 1. """ return self._padding_left @padding_left.setter def padding_left(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): value = [value] * len(self) self._padding_left = NonNegativeIntegerMetaData(self._table, value) @property def padding_right(self): """get/set width for right padding of the columns of the table. Right Width of the padding specifies the number of characters on the rigth of a column reserved for padding. By default It is 1. """ return self._padding_right @padding_right.setter def padding_right(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): value = [value] * len(self) self._padding_right = NonNegativeIntegerMetaData(self._table, value) @property def width_exceed_policy(self): """Attribute to control how exceeding column width should be handled. It can be one of the following: ============================ ========================================= Option Meaning ============================ ========================================= beautifulbable.WEP_WRAP An item is wrapped so every line fits within it's column width. beautifultable.WEP_STRIP An item is stripped to fit in it's column. beautifultable.WEP_ELLIPSIS An item is stripped to fit in it's column and appended with ...(Ellipsis). ============================ ========================================= """ return self._width_exceed_policy @width_exceed_policy.setter def width_exceed_policy(self, value): if not isinstance(value, enums.WidthExceedPolicy): allowed = ( "{}.{}".format(type(self).__name__, for i in enums.WidthExceedPolicy ) error_msg = ( "allowed values for width_exceed_policy are: " + ", ".join(allowed) ) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._width_exceed_policy = value @property def default_alignment(self): """Attribute to control the alignment of newly created columns. It can be one of the following: ============================ ========================================= Option Meaning ============================ ========================================= beautifultable.ALIGN_LEFT New columns are left aligned. beautifultable.ALIGN_CENTER New columns are center aligned. beautifultable.ALIGN_RIGHT New columns are right aligned. ============================ ========================================= """ return self._default_alignment @default_alignment.setter def default_alignment(self, value): if not isinstance(value, enums.Alignment): allowed = ( "{}.{}".format(type(self).__name__, for i in enums.Alignment ) error_msg = ( "allowed values for default_alignment are: " + ", ".join(allowed) ) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._default_alignment = value @property def default_padding(self): """Initial value for Left and Right padding widths for new columns.""" return self._default_padding @default_padding.setter def default_padding(self, value): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("default_padding must be an integer") elif value < 0: raise ValueError("default_padding must be a non-negative integer") else: self._default_padding = value @property def separator(self): """Character used to draw the line seperating two columns.""" return self._table._column_separator @separator.setter def separator(self, value): self._table._column_separator = ensure_type(value, basestring) def __len__(self): return self._table._ncol def __getitem__(self, key): """Get a column, or a new table by slicing. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, str If key is an `int`, returns column at index `key`. If key is an `str`, returns first column with heading `key`. If key is a slice object, returns a new sliced table. Raises ------ TypeError If key is not of type int, slice or str. IndexError If `int` key is out of range. KeyError If `str` key is not in header. """ if isinstance(key, int): pass elif isinstance(key, slice): new_table = copy.deepcopy(self._table) new_table.columns.clear() new_table.columns.header = self.header[key] new_table.columns.alignment = self.alignment[key] new_table.columns.padding_left = self.padding_left[key] new_table.columns.padding_right = self.padding_right[key] new_table.columns.width = self.width[key] new_table.columns._auto_width = self._auto_width for i, r in enumerate(self._table._data): new_table.rows[i] = r.value[key] return new_table elif isinstance(key, basestring): key = self.header.index(key) else: raise TypeError( ( "column indices must be integers, strings or " "slices, not {}" ).format(type(key).__name__) ) return BTColumnData( self._table, [row[key] for row in self._table._data] ) def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete a column, or multiple columns by slicing. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, str If key is an `int`, deletes column at index `key`. If key is a slice object, deletes multiple columns. If key is an `str`, deletes the first column with heading `key` Raises ------ TypeError If key is not of type int, slice or str. IndexError If `int` key is out of range. KeyError If `str` key is not in header. """ if isinstance(key, (int, basestring, slice)): key = self._canonical_key(key) del self.alignment[key] del self.width[key] del self.padding_left[key] del self.padding_right[key] for row in self._table.rows: del row[key] del self.header[key] if self.header.alignment is not None: del self.header.alignment[key] self._table._ncol = len(self.header) if self._table._ncol == 0: del self._table.rows[:] else: raise TypeError( ("table indices must be int, str or " "slices, not {}").format( type(key).__name__ ) ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Update a column, or multiple columns by slicing. Parameters ---------- key : int, slice, str If key is an `int`, updates column at index `key`. If key is an `str`, updates first column with heading `key`. If key is a slice object, updates multiple columns. Raises ------ TypeError If key is not of type int, slice or str. IndexError If `int` key is out of range. KeyError If `str` key is not in header """ if not isinstance(key, (int, basestring, slice)): raise TypeError( "column indices must be of type int, str or a slice object" ) for row, new_item in zip(self._table.rows, value): row[key] = new_item def __contains__(self, key): if isinstance(key, basestring): return key in self.header elif isinstance(key, Iterable): key = list(key) return any(key == column for column in self) else: raise TypeError( ("'key' must be str or Iterable, " "not {}").format( type(key).__name__ ) ) def __iter__(self): return BTCollectionIterator(self) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._table) def __str__(self): return str(self._table._data) def clear(self): self._reset_state(0)
[docs] def pop(self, index=-1): """Remove and return column at index (default last). Parameters ---------- index : int, str index of the column, or the header of the column. If index is specified, then normal list rules apply. Raises ------ TypeError: If index is not an instance of `int`, or `str`. IndexError: If Table is empty. """ if not isinstance(index, (int, basestring)): raise TypeError( ("column index must be int or str, " "not {}").format( type(index).__name__ ) ) if self._table._ncol == 0: raise IndexError("pop from empty table") else: res = [] index = self._canonical_key(index) for row in self._table.rows: res.append(row._pop(index)) res = BTColumnData(self._table, res) self.alignment._pop(index) self.width._pop(index) self.padding_left._pop(index) self.padding_right._pop(index) self.header._pop(index) self._table._ncol = len(self.header) if self._table._ncol == 0: del self._table.rows[:] return res
[docs] def update(self, key, value): """Update a column named `header` in the table. If length of column is smaller than number of rows, lets say `k`, only the first `k` values in the column is updated. Parameters ---------- key : int, str If `key` is int, column at index `key` is updated. If `key` is str, the first column with heading `key` is updated. value : iterable Any iterable of appropriate length. Raises ------ TypeError: If length of `column` is shorter than number of rows. ValueError: If no column exists with heading `header`. """ self[key] = value
[docs] def insert( self, index, column, header=None, padding_left=None, padding_right=None, alignment=None, ): """Insert a column before `index` in the table. If length of column is bigger than number of rows, lets say `k`, only the first `k` values of `column` is considered. If column is shorter than 'k', ValueError is raised. Note that Table remains in consistent state even if column is too short. Any changes made by this method is rolled back before raising the exception. Parameters ---------- index : int List index rules apply. column : iterable Any iterable of appropriate length. header : str, optional Heading of the column. padding_left : int, optional Left padding of the column. padding_right : int, optional Right padding of the column. alignment : Alignment, optional alignment of the column. Raises ------ TypeError: If `header` is not of type `str`. ValueError: If length of `column` is shorter than number of rows. """ padding_left = ( self.default_padding if padding_left is None else padding_left ) padding_right = ( self.default_padding if padding_right is None else padding_right ) alignment = self.default_alignment if alignment is None else alignment if not isinstance(padding_left, int): raise TypeError( "'padding_left' should be of type 'int' not '{}'".format( type(padding_left).__name__ ) ) if not isinstance(padding_right, int): raise TypeError( "'padding_right' should be of type 'int' not '{}'".format( type(padding_right).__name__ ) ) if not isinstance(alignment, enums.Alignment): raise TypeError( "alignment should be of type '{}' not '{}'".format( enums.Alignment.__name__, type(alignment).__name__ ) ) if self._table._ncol == 0: self.header = [header] self.padding_left = [padding_left] self.padding_right = [padding_right] self.alignment = [alignment] self._table._data = [BTRowData(self._table, [i]) for i in column] else: if (not isinstance(header, basestring)) and (header is not None): raise TypeError( "header must be of type 'str' not '{}'".format( type(header).__name__ ) ) column_length = 0 for row, new_item in zip(self._table.rows, column): row._insert(index, new_item) column_length += 1 if column_length == len(self._table.rows): self._table._ncol += 1 self.header._insert(index, header) self.width._insert(index, 0) self.alignment._insert(index, alignment) self.padding_left._insert(index, padding_left) self.padding_right._insert(index, padding_right) if self.header.alignment is not None: self.header.alignment._insert(index, alignment) else: # Roll back changes so that table remains in consistent state for j in range(column_length, -1, -1): self._table.rows[j]._pop(index) raise ValueError( ( "length of 'column' should be atleast {}, " "got {}" ).format(len(self._table.rows), column_length) )
[docs] def append( self, column, header=None, padding_left=None, padding_right=None, alignment=None, ): """Append a column to end of the table. Parameters ---------- column : iterable Any iterable of appropriate length. header : str, optional Heading of the column padding_left : int, optional Left padding of the column padding_right : int, optional Right padding of the column alignment : Alignment, optional alignment of the column """ self.insert( self._table._ncol, column, header, padding_left, padding_right, alignment, )